Respuesta :

The Four Noble Truths comprehend a series of truths about suffering, such as the explanation of suffering, the reason why it exists, the ending of the suffering, and the path that leads you to the end of it.

The Buddhism explains that the suffering comes as a result of desire and ignorance. Desire plays a role in suffering because everything we want (such as material goods, pleasure, success) brings the disappointment of not being able to reach it, which leads to suffering.

The ignorance, on the other hand, is explained as a reason for suffering when it comes to the idea of ignorance about the existence. Not being able to see the world as it actually is, and also having feelings like anger and envy lead people to a life in ignorance, which causes the suffering.

The path to achieving the end of suffering is explained by the Buddhism as the Noble Eightfold Path. It consists in steps of Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration. To get all of these steps done, an individual should be able to live a life with good moral, good conduct, meditation and concentration.