
Read the lines from Scene III of Doctor Faustus and answer the question. FAUST. How comes it then that thou art out of hell? MEPHISTOPHILIS. Why this is hell, nor am I out of it. Think’st thou that I who saw the face of God, And tasted the eternal joys of Heaven, Am not tormented with ten thousand hells, In being depriv’d of everlasting bliss? O Faustus! leave these frivolous demands, Which strike a terror to my fainting soul. FAUST. What, is great Mephistophilis so passionate For being depriv’d of the joys of Heaven? Learn thou of Faustus manly fortitude, And scorn those joys thou never shalt possess.
Which line from the other scenes of the play provides the greatest ironic contrast with this early declaration by Faustus?
A.FAUST. When I behold the heavens, then I repent / And curse thee, wicked Mephistophilis, / Because thou hast deprived me of those joys.
B.FAUST. Well, I’m content to compass then some sport, / And by their folly make us merriment. / Then charm me, [Mephistophilis,] that I / May be invisible, to do what I please / Unseen of any whilst I stay in Rome.
C.FAUST. Where art thou, Faustus? Wretch, what hast thou done! / Hell claims his right and with a roaring voice / Says “Faustus, come, thine hour is almost come!” / And Faustus will now come to do thee right!
D.FAUST. My God, my God! Look not so fierce on me! / Adders and serpents, let me breathe awhile! / Ugly Hell, gape not! Come not Lucifer! / I’ll burn my books!—O Mephistophilis!

Respuesta :


C. FAUST. Where art thou, Faustus? Wretch, what hast thou done! / Hell claims his right and with a roaring voice / Says “Faustus, come, thine hour is almost come!” / And Faustus will now come to do thee right!


Faustus starts to falter in his conviction to sell his spirit. The great holy messenger instructs him to relinquish his arrangement and "think of heaven, and heavenly things," however he rejects the great holy messenger's words, saying that God does not cherish him.

The great and wickedness blessed messengers show up, with the great one again asking Faustus to consider paradise, however the shrewd holy messenger persuades him that the riches he can increase through his arrangement with the villain merits the expense. Faustus at that point gets back to Mephastophilis, who reveals to him that Lucifer has acknowledged his idea of his spirit in return for twenty-four years of administration. Faustus asks Mephastophilis for what valid reason Lucifer needs his spirit, and Mephastophilis discloses to him that Lucifer looks to expand his kingdom and cause people to endure even as he endures.