Which aspects of the prioress would Chaucer most likely find disagreeable? Select all that apply.
-her attention to fashion
-her brooch
-her small dogs
-her beauty

Respuesta :

The correct answers are "her attention to fashion", "her brooch" and "her small dogs". The depiction that Chaucer gives of Prioress Madame Eglentyne in the General Prologue of "The Cantebury Tales" it is very negative. Chaucer believes that the Prioress looks and behaves more like a person of the nobility rather than the Church. Chaucer talks about the ways of the Prioress, including her table manners and how she is soft-hearted regarding her small dogs (giving more attention to them instead of to the people), concluding that, like the Friar and the Monk, she is a fraud.