Respuesta :

The theme of the story is to try to be less messy and don’t act so messy in front of your class mates or friends because they might not want to sit or be with you.

She was so messy that Katie clean didn’t want to work with her on their biological project

The theme of the story is the main focus point. The is an essential aspect of the story that makes the readers understand or what is going to happen in the story and makes it interesting.

  • As per the passage, the theme of the story would be that one should not mess with messy people. As per the story when Massey missy entered Katie's clean home she did not bother to whip her shoes at the doormat as it was already raining.
  • Next, her habit of being a sloppy eater and throwing the wrapper on the floor also indicates that she had no ethics nor any discipline. In the last, she slipped her soda all over her assignment.  

Thus we can conclude that she was very messy.

Learn more about the passage of messy missy and Katie clean.