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The correct answer would be carbohydrate.

In biology, organic compounds are the chemical compounds which are generally made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen or nitrogen. There are four major groups of organic compounds namely carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.

Saccharide is a term alternatively used for sugar or carbohydrate. Carbohydrate is a biomolecule made up of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O). It usually has a empirical formula Cm(H₂O)n (m and n can be same or different).

The sachharides are of four types depending upon the number of monomer units involved in the formation of that sugar:

  • Monosachharide: smallest or single unit such as glucose, fructose (fruit sugar) etc,
  • Disachharide: made up of two units joined by glycosidic bond such as lactose (milk sugar), sucrose (cane sugar) etc.
  • Oligosachharide: made up of 3-10 monomers of sugar.
  • Polysachharide: made up of more than 10 monomers such as starch, glycogen etc.