What Moses did NOT learn at his first encounter with God at Horeb (Sinai):
Further details:
The account of Moses' first encounter with God is recorded in Exodus chapter 3. This happened during the years that Moses had fled from Egypt after he had killed an Egyptian overlord who had been beating a Hebrew slave (cf. Exodus 2:11-25). The account of Moses' encounter with God at Horeb begins this way (Exodus 3:1-3 NIV):
All of the listed items in your question were things that God revealed to Moses through his appearance at the burning bush -- except for the fact that later, on this same mountain, God would deliver the Torah (the Law) for his people Israel. After God used Moses' leadership to deliver the Hebrew people out of Egypt, as they journeyed up toward Canaan (the future land of Israel), they came to the mountain of Sinai and encamped there. The account of Moses' encounters with God again on that mountain, receiving the Law from God, is also recorded in the Book of Exodus, beginning at chapter 19.