What does this mean in python?

the comments in the code should explain everything, brainly's formatting might be weird
gate = raw_input("Enter logic gate :").upper()#.upper() so lower/upper case of input doesn't matter
firstInput = raw_input("Enter first input :")#raw_input() for python 2.7, input() for 3
secondInput = raw_input("Enter second input :")
if (firstInput!="0" and firstInput!="1") or (secondInput!="0" and secondInput!="1"):
print("inputs must be 0 or 1")#ensure all inputs are in boolean range
firstInput=firstInput=="1"#convert "1" to true and "0" to false
if gate=="AND" or gate=="NAND":
result=firstInput and secondInput
elif gate=="OR" or gate=="NOR":
result=firstInput or secondInput
elif gate=="XOR":
else:#handle case of unknown/mistyped gates
print(gate+" is not known")
if gate=="NOR" or gate=="NAND":
result=not result#invert result for nor and nand
print("Result = "+str(int(result)))#uses int so 1/0 are printed instead of True/False