So, I’m supposed to use an SRE chart to talk about the different types of maps. So far, I have all 3 types that I need and the reasons for what they are used for. All I need is evidence to support my reasons. Please help me.

So Im supposed to use an SRE chart to talk about the different types of maps So far I have all 3 types that I need and the reasons for what they are used for Al class=

Respuesta :

Types of Maps evidence.

1.- Physical.

They show landscape features like mountains, rivers, and lakes. These maps use the colur blue to show any body of water and the color green to show lower mountains and brown for higher ones.

2.- Landsat.

The Landsat 5 satellite has the longest life with 29 years of operation. This satellite provides images of Earth at a resolution of 30m. Nowadays, Landsat 8 sends almost 400 scenes daily.

3.- Special Purpose maps.

Population density maps shows the population density areas.

Land cover map. shows road structures, vegetation.

Aspect map shows topographic slope faces.