

This experiment will show gases do have mass. Start by suspending a meter stick by a string so that it balances and is level horizontally. [Meter stick suspended by a string]

Blow up two balloons to be very close to the same size and close the ends with binder clips that have strings attached. Hang the balloons on the ends of the meter stick.

Using the center string, adjust so the meter stick is again level. [Inflated balloons closed off with binder clips are hanging from the opposite ends of the meter stick by string]

Take one of the balloons and blow it up to be much bigger than the other balloon. Close it off again with the binder clip and rehang on the meter stick. [One balloon is inflated more than the other.] Record your observations. [The meter stick tips in the direction of the larger balloon.]

Use your observations to answer the questions in the assignment.

1) Did the different sized suspended balloons balance?
2) If they did not, which balloon-tipped the scale down?
3) Did your results validate the hypothesis above?
4) Give an explanation for your results, including a discussion of how the data collected either validated or disproved the hypothesis.