Respuesta :
Three Warning Signs
Violent volcanoes live in cities close to oceanic trenches where tectonic plates are overwhelming into the screen. The plates move down water which then promotes going in the warm screen and prompts eruption at the cover.
Some are popular for ancient disasters like Mt. Pelée in 1902 which annihilated 30,000 people in the town of St. Pierre. Volcanological towers cover activity mounting up to an eruption which is called as precursors. These devastating volcanoes serve to bounce. Yet still previous shakings they also can withstand daily, copied, slow vibrations in earth inflammation and destruction and gas release as well.
Three warning signs of the eruption in Saint Pierre that people ignore at the time were some dishes were disloged, ash fell on a near by town, and a lighting lit colomn of ash and fumes arose nearly two miles above the volcano.