Respuesta :

1: read each question carefully.

2: maximaize multiple-part questions.

3 :share you thought process.

4: use propper penmanship.

5: and be clear.


A. On part "A" you are going to want to state two factors that have helped Coke to become a global brand directly. After you state those two factors in a straightforward manner, you are going to use the next few sentenses to describe/explain why. Basically expanding of the factors your identified in the beginning sentenses.

B. On part "B" your answer will have two parts. You are going to want to include a SOCIAL and ECONOMIC factor that ties into the effect folk culture is having due to global brands. Make sure you explain!

C. On part "C" you are going to want to use the image that the prompt provided you with to expalin the relationship between MDCs (Most developed countries) and LDCs (Least developed countries) and Folk and Popular culture. Remeber, because this is an "Explain" question, your answer should be four or more sentenses long to get credit.
