Respuesta :

1. D

2. E

3. B

I believe that these are the correct answers.





Left Panel

There are a couple of answers that you reject out of hand. Their time lines are all incorrect.

B is utter nonsense. The UN was not formulated until after WWII, for one thing. The Roosevelt Corollary was declared in 1904 after the Venezuela crisis of 1902.

The soviet Union didn't come into existance for another 15 years. There were civil wars going on in Russia. E is wrong.

A: A is wrong. The Corollary declared that Roosevelt didn't want European nations meddling in N or S American affairs. The United States would take care of problems problems of N and S America.

It doesn't look like C either. Europe was being told who the boss was in this hemisphere.

The only think left is D anyone who dared tell Europe what to do was certainly not passive.

D is the answer.

Center (Blue Colored Print) Panel

domestic means home. In politics, it means an internal policy.

A: incorrect. That's a Foreign Affairs policy.

B: incorrect. Same reason as A.

C: It should be C. Let's hold off until we know. This turns out to be incorrect because in limiting immigration you are affecting the workings of another government.

D: incorrect, but it is close. Recently an Army / Navy / Air Force  implies that a war is going to be fought on foreign soil. Afghanistan Iraq the threat of Iran or North Korea. Vietnam.  All foreign locations and external, not a domestic policy.

E: is a better answer than C.

Answer: E

Right Panel (Job Creation)

It might be Hortatory -- a word I had to look up. It means urging a direction to be taken. This is a policy that is enacted which suggests what could be done. Hold on. Let's see what else we have.

It's certainly not authoritative.  You are not forced to take the training. Not A.

It's not a regulation which is something like the government will not issue 1000 dollar bills any longer.

I have no idea what Capacity means in this sense. Not E.

Though D is possible, I think the answer is B.