To eliminate all of the fractions in an equation, we can multiply the equation by the least common denominator of all of the fractions in the equation. To find the LCD, we need to find a number that has at least all of the factors of each of the denominators.
To find the LCD of the fractions in this equation, let's look at our denominators, 3 and 6. We can say 3 = 3 and 6 = 2 * 3. By examining this, we can see that our LCD has to have a 3 and 2, since those numbers are found in at least one of the fractions. Thus, our LCD is 3 * 2 = 6.
Now we know to multiply our entire equation by 6. This is solved as shown:
[tex]6(\dfrac{2}{3}x + 7) = 6(\dfrac{5}{6}) \Rightarrow \boxed{4x + 42 = 5}[/tex]
Our answer is 4x + 42 = 5.