Respuesta :

Non verbal behavior can mostly be framed as actions driven by emotions, or the evidence of communicating facts without the use of words; and subsequently it can help or hinder the understanding of a situation, but it doesn’t perfectly reveal what people are really thinking; sometimes it can distort the situations.

Non verbal behavior can be manifested in different categories: Accenting, when the cue underline the fact; Repetition, when the non verbal cue matches the verbal message; Contradiction, when the cue opposes the verbal message; Substitution, when the cue or trait convey much more than the meaning of the words; and also Complementing, when the trait increases the impact of what the individual has said.

Generally this actions are predominantly spontaneous, even though people can be conscious about them and also in many circumstances control the behavior and communicate ideas deliberately, which off course requires high emotional intelligence; for the most part, emotions in large are influenced by that surrounding each individual, whether is around social settings as well as psychologically, so emotions can burst from inside the personality or from the interactions with the environment.

Therefore the interpretation of nonverbal behavior will be more efficient while acknowledging the context and the combination of several individual traits, because although having identified isolated behavioral patterns is useful sometimes, the context could change the meaning of it substantially.