Based on your answer to question 6, which paragraph best illustrates this summary?
A. Paragraph 2
B. Paragraph 5
C. Paragraph 6
D. Paragraph 9

Respuesta :

wish someone would answer it...


The answer Is A. Paragraph 2

I had to do the same thing for my due now lol

Step-by-step explanation:

2 In contrast to the romantic image of one Holmes-like super sleuth single-handedly uncovering the facts of a case, truth seeking in law enforcement and criminal justice is actually a collaborative effort, involving the police, a medical examiner or coroner, investigators, and lab technicians. Each applies his or her own expertise to the problem. But modern criminal investigations still begin in a manner Sherlock Holmes would find familiar—with careful examination of the crime scene. After police have secured the site, criminal investigators collect physical evidence. This evidence will be sent to crime labs, where expert technicians and forensic scientists will analyze it. Their findings, in turn, will affect the course of the police investigation and, if a suspect is charged, will be presented to the jury at trial.