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Casca - A public figure opposed to Caesar's rise to power. Casca relates to Cassius and Brutus how Antony offered the crown to Caesar three times and how each time Caesar declined it. He believes, however, that Caesar is the consummate actor, lulling the populace into believing that he has no personal ambition.

Julius Caesar was a dictator of the Roman Empire. He commanded theRoman armies which conquered Gaul and helped pave the road for theRoman Empire. Caesar is remembered as one of history's greatest generals and akey ruler of the Roman empire. As a young man he rose through theadministrative ranks of the Roman republic, accumulating poweruntil he was elected consul in 59 B.C. Over the next 15 years heled Roman armies against enemies abroad, especially in Gaul, whilefighting Pompey and others for political control at home. In 43B.C. he reached his ultimate success, being named dictator of Romefor life. That rule was short-lived: the next year he was stabbedto death in the Senate by a group led by his follower Marcus JuniusBrutus. he died of 23 stab wounds all over his body. He was also ina relationship with Cleopatra in 46 B.C. When Cleopatra heard ofCaesar's death, she went off in a relationship with Marcus Antonyand also died. Julius Caesar is seen as the greatest military commander the Romans ever had. He was also a statesman, a lawyer and an author. Cesar is famous for his conquest of Gaul during the Gallic Wars he fought between 58 BC and 50 BC. He also fought the Great Roman Civil War (also known as Caesar's Civil War, 49-45 BC) against the forces of the senate which opposed him. He won all the battles of this war and during its course became the ruler of Rome. Caesar concentrated power in his hands and ruled for five years, even though constitutionally, you could be the head of the Roman Republic for one year. Caesar wanted to restore stability in a Roman Republic which was poorly equipped to deal with the weight of imperial expansion. The central government had lost control over the empire. The governors of the Roman provinces (conquered territories) behaved as if the provinces were their personal fiefs. Tax collection was entrusted top private individuals who "farmed" taxation to line their pockets. Military commanders used military violence, or the threat of it, to obtain what they wanted. Corruption was rampant. Caesar concentrated power in his hands because he wanted a strong central government which was capable of controlling the empire. He also implemented a land reform to redistribute land for farming to the poor, wrote off ¼ of all debts, and donated money to the poor. He reformed the Roman calendar and introduced the Julian calendar, which, apart from some minor modifications introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, is the calendar we still use today. Caesar is also famous for his assassination. There were people who thought that Caesar wanted to become a tyrant and murdered him in a conspiracy. After Cesar's death there were more civil wars. The Roman Republic eventually fell and Augustus established the absolute personal rule by emperors.

hope it helps