The subjects' daily caffeine intakes were measured by evaluating their food diaries, where they recorded everything they consumed in one week's time. What potential biases could there be in this type of record that would affect the caffeine intake measurement?

Respuesta :

Hi Thaddeush13,

Biases - " lacking a neutral viewpoint, or not having an open mind".

The potential biases that could hapen in this experiment are different intakes or types of coffee. For Example, Cold, Hot, Caramel. And each as a different size. Sugar intake is also another problem here.

Hello Thaddeush13,

Biases - "lacking a neutral viewpoint, or not having an open mind."

The potential biases that could happen in this experiment are different intakes or types of coffee- for example, cold, hot, caramel. Each has a different size, also sugar intake could be another problem here.

Hope this helps!