Respuesta :
In his work The Divine Comedy, Dante shows us his vision of the "Inferno" divided into nine circles:
- Limbo: Space for those who have been good people in life, but did not receive baptism.
- Lust: It is the door of true hell, where Minos judges newcomers and assigns them the place where they will fulfill their eternal sentence. In this circle is retained those who in life were dragged by lust.
- Gluttony: A place for gluttons, stuck in the mud under a continuous rain of hail; and under the threat of the Cerbero watchdog, who did not hesitate to tear them with nails and teeth.
- Greed: Greed was the bane of those who ended up in the fourth circle, both the greedy, who accumulated wealth, as the prodigals, who squandered them; both were punished to drag large gold weights in the opposite direction, with the consequent confrontation.
- Anger and laziness: Styx Lagoon where the wrathful and the lazy dwell; the former keep their rabid spirit beating each other for all eternity, while the latter, little given to action in life, remain under the mud deprived of air and word.
- Heresy: The sixth is the city of Dite, whose walls heretics are punished by the Furies, Megera, Alecto and Tisiphone, spirits of revenge.
- Violence: From this level, there are all those who have lived delivered to malice, comparable to the bestiality represented by the Minotaur guarding the entrance.
- Fraud: Circle divided into ten enclosures where those who were not trustworthy lived.
- The last circle is also divided into several rooms and is also inhabited by giants, who at the same time are condemned and custodians. It is a great icy side where those who exercised the coldness of their heart ended: those who betrayed those who trusted them.