John Locke's statement on rights pointed to 'life, liberty, and property,' while Thomas Jefferson's pointed to 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.' With the historical context in mind, analyze the differences in meaning between these two phrases. Then, provide an explanation for the reasons why you think 'property' was changed to 'the pursuit of happiness' in the Declaration of Independence. Response should be at least one paragraph in length.

Respuesta :

(This isn’t going to be an actual paragraph answer - don’t put this as your answer, this is just some guidance) I don’t know if you’re familiar with Machiavelli’s “The Prince” but in the text Machiavelli says that all a man really care about is his property (or something like that, I’d fact check it/get an actual quote). Locke very much so supported a absolute monarch and “The Prince” is essentially a guide of sorts for absolute rulers -> Locke was a fan of Machiavelli’s work. Thomas Jefferson on the other hand did not support an absolute ruler (he was of English decent, like other American colonists, and England was a constitutional monarchy, hince the American constitution/government) and therefore probably didn’t support Machiavelli’s work but he was a fan of Locke (a lot of the founding fathers were fans of enlightenment thinkers, John Locke was an elightened thinker) so Jefferson took his ideas from Locke.