03.02 Describe the Family
03.02 Describe the Family Writing Assignment

You already watched the video blog about Marisa and her friend Andrea. You saw how Marisa used rephrasing in the video to help Andrea understand her.

For example: In the video, our blogger said:

Marisa: ¡Estoy muy alegre!

Andrea: ¿Alegre? No entiendo (I don't understand). Repite, por favor.

Marisa: Estoy alegre. No estoy triste.

Help Andrea understand which "tener" and "estar" expressions are positive and express that someone is doing well (estoy bien), and which expressions are negative and express that someone is not doing well (estoy mal).

Write the positive expressions under "estoy bien" and the negative expressions under "estoy mal."

Estoy bien

Estoy mal


Tengo calor
Tengo hambre
Estoy alegre
Estoy emocionada
Estoy triste
Tengo suerte
Estoy enojada
Estoy feliz
Now, make a sentence describing how you are feeling right now using one of the "tener" or "estar" expressions you just learned.

Submit your answers to your teacher to be graded.