Which features involve compression? Select the three correct answers.

A. Reverse faults

B. Anticlines

C. Folded mountains

D. Normal faults

E. Monoclines

Respuesta :

B. Anticlines    C. Folded mountains  E. Monoclines that's the answer.

Answer: Option (A), (B), (C) and (E)


  • Reverse faults are those in which the hanging wall goes up and the footwall goes down due to the compressional forces.
  • Anticlines are formed due to compression on the limbs in which older rocks are at the bottom and younger rocks are at the top.
  • Folded mountains are formed due to the collision between two continental plates such as the Himalayas.
  • Normal faults are the common faults where hanging wall goes down and footwall remains up due to action of tensional forces.
  • Monoclines are folds that are subjected to smaller compressional force and one of its limb lies in a horizontal manner.