Match the meaning to the root, prefix, or suffix.

1. large, long
a-, an-
2. fear
3. above, over
4. within
5. good
6. around, about
7. without
8. form

Respuesta :


1.    large, long - macro-    

2.    fear    - -phobia

3.    above, over - hyper-    

4.    within - endo-    

5.    good - eu-    

6.    around, about - peri-    

7.    without - a-, an-

8.    form - morph    


1.- Macro is a Greek root that means large or long, for example, Macroeconomics: The branch of economics that studies the overall working of a national economy.

2.-Phobia is a Greek suffix that means fear or the act of seriously dislike something, for example, Arachnophobia: fear of spiders.

3.- Hyper is a Greek root or origin word that means over and represent excess, for example, Hyperbole : obvious and intentional exaggeration.

4.- Endo is a greek form from the origen word endon that means within, for example, Endocardial: situated within the heart; intracardiac.

5.- Eu is a root word that means good or well, for example, Euphony: agreeableness of sound; pleasing effect to the ear, especially a pleasant sounding or harmonious combination or succession of words:

6.- Peri is a prefix from the Greek that means about or around, for example, perimeter: the border or outer boundary of a two-dimensional figure.

7.- A, An are prefixes that mean No or Without, a is used before consonants and an is used before vowels, for example, Agnostic:

Not known, unknown

8.- Morph is suffix and prefix that means form or shape, for example, Ectomorph: a person with a thin body.