Why did the ancient Greeks believe that natural places like springs and tree groves were important?

A. They needed the natural resources from those places.

B. They needed to study nature at those places using observation.

C. They believed that gods and goddesses lived in those places.

D. These were good places to hold public meetings and discussions.

Which of the following were the causes of the Peloponnesian War? Select all that apply.

A. Athens was afraid of Sparta's alliance because they did not have one.

B. Sparta did not trust the Athenian democratic government.

C. Athens banned trade with a member of the Peloponnesian League.

D. Sparta led forces that surrounded Athens.

E. Sparta refused Athens' invitation to join the Delian League.

Which impact did Alexander the Great have on Greece?

A. Greece became part of a larger empire that influenced other cultures.

B. Greece had a limited impact on other cultures because it didn't trade.

C. Greece fell under the control of the Persian Empire.

D. Greece returned to being a group of small city-states.

What is Alexander the Great known for? Select all that apply.

A. establishing great centers of learning

B. keeping Greece isolated

C. leaving Greece to be conquered by Persia

D. uniting the Greek city-states by force

E. encouraging trade in Alexandria and along the Silk Road.

Which of the following was the purpose of the chorus in ancient Greek theater?

A. to comment on the characters' actions

B. to sing the play's songs

C. to watch the play and applaud

D. to keep the audience laughing