Which characterization describes planters who owned more than 100 slaves? A. a small but influential percentage by 1860 B. growers of sea island cotton by 1860 C. poorer than industrial owners in the north by 1860 D. the norm in the antebellum south by 1860

Respuesta :

actually its A. a small influential percentage by 1860

A) a small but influential percentage by 1860.

Even though they were limited in number, the great planters—families that possessed more than 100 people—ruled southern politics and society.

  • In the entire South, just roughly 2,000 households belonged to such class. Less than five people were owned by the great majority of slave owners.
  • The white male head of a slave owning family, or "master" of a plantation, was expected to be a strict yet devoted father figure to both his own family and the people he enslaved.

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