
Early american societies are known for their ability to innovate, or introduce new methods to solve a problem. Choose two of the following four issues experienced by early American societies. For each, analyze why the issue was a problem and how the society solved the problem in an innovative fashion
~The Inuit faced the challenge of how to build houses and travel long distances on permanently frozen ground.
~The cultures of the Northeast needed to find a solution to the constant warfare they experienced.
~The Moche in Peru needed to maintain timely communications across great distances.
~The Inca needed to tie together their empire of towering mountains and arid deserts.

Respuesta :

1. The Inuit live in the Arctic regions of North America, a very inhospitable environment. This community faces the problem of living in a tundra climate, constantly covered by snow and ice. However, they have developed innovative methods of transportation and housing.  

The Inuit developed the kayak to travel through the icy water and for hunting. They also developed dog sleds, which allowed them to travel on land.

In terms of housing, they developed the igloo (a temporary shelter made from snow) to live during the winter, and the tupiq (a tent made out of animal skin).

2. The Northeastern cultures of the U. S. found an innovative way to reduce conflict, of which they suffered constantly, in the form of the Iroquois Confederacy.  

The Confederacy was created in 1142 by the Great Peacemaker (Deganawida). It brought together five nations of the southern Great Lakes area into the “Great League of Peace.” The Iroquois remained an undivided political unit until the Revolutionary War.