Hayek is best known for his contribution to the understanding of __

Hayek disagreed with Keynes about expansionary policy because it could cause__ and ___influence consumer decisions.

Unlike Keynes, Hayek believed that consumer actions ___be accurately displayed on a supply and demand curve.

Respuesta :

1- price changes

2- inflation; negatively

3- could not


-price changes.

-inflation, negatively .

-could not.


-Hayek´s theory, on how changing prices provide data useful for people to define their plans is a significant milestone in economics, led him to win the Nobel Prize.

-In his theory, fighting recession with expansionary policies was believed to lead to too many investment plans that could not actually be maintained, limiting a needed process of adjustment and setting up possibilities for future inflation.

-Hayek stated as a fallacy of the dogma of perfect competition the idea that producers can know as a fact the shape of the consumers demand curve because that´s a variable to be discovered.