Often Scyld Scefing seized mead-benches from enemy troops, from many a clan; he terrified warriors, even though first he was found a waif, helpless. For that came a remedy, he grew under heaven, prospered in honors until every last one of the bordering nations beyond the whale-road had to heed him, pay him tribute. He was a good king!
The author most likely uses this setting to develop which theme?
The fashion of the time period
The despair of those in mourning
The anger of old people
The importance of noble deeds

Respuesta :

The importance of noble deeds

The passage talks about all the was in which Scyld Scefing was a good king. It says that he "seized mead-branches", "terrified warriors", "prospered in honors", etc. There is no mention of fashion anywhere in the passage. There is also no mention of mourning or anger.

The right answer is "The importance of noble deeds"

The text is at all times extolling the acts that make Scyld Scefing a nobleman. This becomes clear when the text describes all the actions he did, which were good actions for his people, moreover, the text ends with the phrase "He was a good king!" This phrase explains why this is the correct answer.