I really really really need help with this french assignment. This unit was on jobs and futur proche, and i need to write five sentences.

the instructions are:
Talk about what you plan to do when you apply for your first (or next) job.
organizes the processes step by step and present it in order.
use a minimum of five complete sentences
make sure to use expressions that reflect that you will be performing these actions in the future

I need you guys to write these for me, please, im desperate.

i need real answers please i really need help.

here is a list of phrases and stuff that need to be incorporated into the sentences, as well as using the best grammar possible. the second picture is the screen of the assignment

I really really really need help with this french assignment This unit was on jobs and futur proche and i need to write five sentencesthe instructions areTalk a class=
I really really really need help with this french assignment This unit was on jobs and futur proche and i need to write five sentencesthe instructions areTalk a class=

Respuesta :

À l'avenir, je prévois d'abord de clarifier mes idées et de préparer un plan de match. Ensuite, je déciderai de mon métier. Je serai très probablement un peintre. Ensuite, je taperai mon CV de manière professionnelle et formelle. Après cela, je vais en faire deux copies et les apporter avec moi pour mon interview. Au cours de mon entretien, je maintiendrai mon propre ettiquete et j'espère que je serai embauché.