Respuesta :


The correct answer to the question: The best way to deal with a tailgater is to:___, would be: first, slow down to allow the other to pass, or, second, change lanes if the slowing down doesn´t help.


According to the DMV, and statistics, tailgaters are among the ones that cause the most amount of accidents on the streets. The reason is that they cannot predict when the one in front will stop, and as they are too close to the car in front, most likely, a collision will take place. This is why, in the driving exam offered as of 2019 for new drivers, and they ask this particular question, the exam tells them that te correct way to avoid problems is to first slow down so the one behind can pass, and second, to change lanes so you allow the other to pass without a problem.


The best way to deal with a tailgater is to change the lane and let the tailgater pass so as to avoid any occurrence of accident.


Tailgating can be referred to the act of a driver being followed by another driver on the road such that an instance of brake could result in a collision. In order to avoid an accident from tailgating, one must make sure that he/she slows down his vehicle and allows the tailgater to pass. In cases where slowing does not minimize the chances of a coalition, one must change the lane of road and let the tailgater pass by.  

Further explanation:

It is important to maintain safety on the road and hence it must be ensured that the tailgaters are dealt with ease and comfort. Hence, the driver should not panic and maintain the rationale of letting the tailgater pass away. Any attempt to override the tailgater by stopping the vehicle or speeding the vehicle to overturn his request for a pass can potentially result in the vehicles colliding into one another. Further, a driver should attempt to keep his/her vehicle on the right side of the lane on the road and maintain a constant speed while driving to ensure that tailgaters are not confused and that they can pass away swiftly.  Hence, one must make all possible efforts to evade oneself from tailgaters in the ways possible which reduce the chances of collision.

Learn more:

If a car is tailgating you (Alenavinca):

Racing other cars, tailgating….consequences of… (Wittysharky22):


Tailgating, tailgaters, vehicles colliding into one another, safety on the road, right side of the lane on the road, maintain a constant speed, chances of collision