read the quotation from "Ain't I a Woman?" That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Which 1850s social norm is reflected in the excerpt?

A)the idea that women should be protected from the harsh realities of life

B)the idea that women should always have better accommodations than men

C)the idea that women should not be forced to participate in politics

D)the idea that women should be less sentimental and more practical

Respuesta :

In the above excerpt from the famous speech "Ain't I a Woman?" a social norm of the 1850s gets reflected i.e.

The idea that women should be protected from the harsh realities of life.

In her speech, Sojourner Truth, highlights on the idea that women are equal to the men and so equality of work and pay should be given to them. Her speech was very approachable and convincing to the listeners. She gives her examples to prove that women are nowhere behind men. She has alone faced all the troubles and hardships which her life have given to her. She speaks about the issues of the civil rights which included slavery and women suffrage.  


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