Much of the water vapor in the moisture plume condensed into clouds that produced precipitation and replenished fresh water at earth's surface. the ultimate source of energy that lifts and transports the atmospheric water (vapor and cloud) to its highest elevations is ________.

Respuesta :

The ultimate source of energy that lifts and transports the atmospheric water (vapor and cloud) to its highest elevations is solar energy. It is the sun that gives enough energy to water for its evaporation.


  • Much of the water vapor in the 'moisture plume' condensed into clouds which produced 'precipitation' and replenished 'fresh water' at earth’s surface.
  • The 'ultimate source of energy' that transports and lift the atmospheric water to its 'highest elevation' is solar energy.


  • The energy from the sun in Directed toward the earth due to which the water gets heated and after certain temperature it starts to evaporate.
  • This process of evaporation turns the loads of evaporated vape into collection of vape which is known as clouds.