There is a gradual decline in female fertility as women age. as an example, for women ___________, a single act of intercourse is only half as likely to produce a pregnancy as it would for a woman 19 to 26 years old.

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For women 40-45, a single act of intercourse is only half as likely to produce a pregnancy as it would for a woman 19 to 26 years old.

This happens because oocyte (egg) supply decreases significantly with ages. Also, older eggs are more likely to have chromosomal aberrations, raising the risk of miscarriage and birth defects.


-In their 30s

There is a gradual decline in female fertility as women age. as an example, for women in their 30s, a single act of intercourse is only half as likely to produce a pregnancy as it would for a woman 19 to 26 years old.


-Age is the most important factor affecting a woman's chance to conceive and have a healthy child. As women age their fertility declines. A woman's fertility starts to decline in her early 30s, with the decline speeding up after 35.

-Starting at about age 32, a woman’s chances of conceiving decrease gradually but significantly.

-From age 35, the fertility decline speeds up.  By age 40, fertility has fallen by half.  At 30, the chance of conceiving each month is about 20%. At 40 it’s around 5%.