In order to prove that a space is complete, you have to show that every Cauchy sequence is convergent.
Now, we know that Y has finitely many points, say
[tex] Y = \{ y_1,\ y_2,\ldots,\ y_n\} [/tex]
And Y is a subspace of a metric space, so it inherits that metric. So, we can compute the distances among all the elements in Y: we can define the numbers
[tex] d_{i,j} = d(y_i,y_j),\quad i,j \in \{1,\ldots, n\} [/tex]
These are finitely many distances, so we can call [tex] d_0 [/tex] the minimum of all these distances.
Now, a Cauchy sequence in Y is a sequence of elements in Y such that
[tex] \forall \varepsilon> 0 \ \exists n_0 \in \mathbb{N}: d(y_n,y_m)<\varepsilon\ \forall n,m>n_0 [/tex]
In other words for every threshold [tex] \varepsilon [/tex], there exists an index [tex] n_0 [/tex] such that, for all indices [tex] m,n>n_0 [/tex], the elements [tex] y_n[/tex] and [tex] y_m[/tex] are less than [tex] \varepsilon [/tex] away.
But we know that all elements in Y can't be more than [tex] d_0 [/tex] away, so if you choose [tex] \varepsilon < d_0 [/tex], two elements are such that
[tex] d(y_n,y_m)<\varepsilon \iff d(y_n,y_m)=0 \iff y_n=y_m [/tex]
So, every Cauchy sequence is eventually constant, and as such, it converges to a certain element, and thus Y is complete.