Write a java class (mystackapp) to emulate a stack structure using an array. provide methods for push(), pop(), isempty(), peek(), and size(). use the postfix expression in the text (given below) to test your logic for evaluating the postfix form of the expression.. infix:: (3 * 4 - (2 + 5) ) * 4 / 2 postfix: 3 4 * 2 5 + - 4 * 2 / be sure to avoid error situations such as popping an empty stack, and the stack holding more than one item at the completion of the program. (note: you should pop() he last value on the stack and display it as the final result, this should result in an empty stack).

Respuesta :

Here you go,


1. MyStackApp class: To be defined in MyStackApp.java


package stackdemo;


* Class emulating stack


public class MyStackApp {

   private int top; // will point to the topmost element of   the stack

   private Object[] storage; //array to hold elements of stack

   private int size; //maximum size of stack


    * Constructor


   public MyStackApp(int n) {

       // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

       size = n;

       storage = new Object[size];

       top = -1;




    * Clears the stack


   public void clear()


       top = -1;



    * @return true is stack is full.


   public boolean isFull()


       return (top >= storage.length-1);



    * @return true if stack is empty.


   public boolean isEmpty()


    return (top == -1);



    * Pushes a new element into stack.

    * @param el - element to push

    * @throws Exception


   public void push(Object el) throws Exception


    if (!isFull())



        storage[top] = el;



        throw new Exception("Overflow!");



    * Pops out top element from stack.

    * @throws Exception


   public Object pop() throws Exception




           Object tmp = storage[top];


           return tmp;



             throw new Exception("Underflow");



    * @return top element of stack without popping.


 public Object peek()




             return storage[top];



           return null;



  * @return size of stack.


 public int size()


     return size;




2. MyStackAppDemo class: To be defined in MyStackAppDemo.java


package stackdemo;


* Class to show the use of stack through postfix expression evaluation



public class MyStackAppDemo {

   //check whether a character is operand

   private static boolean isOperand(char c)


       int operand=c-'0';

       if(operand >= 0 && operand <= 9)

           return true;


           return false;            


   //checks whether a character is operator

   private static boolean isOperator(char c)


       if(c=='+' || c=='-' || c=='*' || c=='/')

           return true;


           return false;            



    * Evaluates a postfix expression

    * @param postfix - expression in postfix notation

    * @return the result of postfix expression evaluation

    * @throws Exception


   public static int evaluatePostfixExpression(String postfix) throws Exception


       int result=0;

       MyStackApp stack = new MyStackApp(50); //stack as a buffer for elements of postfic expression


       //loop to parse postfix expression

       for(int i=0;i<postfix.length();i++)


           char el=postfix.charAt(i);

               if (isOperand(el)) //if is operand, push to stack


                  stack.push(el - '0'); // convert char to int


               else if (isOperator(el)) //if is operator, pops two top operands from stack and evaluate. Push result back to stack


                   int opr1 = (int) stack.pop();

                   int opr2 = (int) stack.pop();

                   int value;

                   switch (el)


                       case '+':

                           value = opr2 + opr1;



                       case '-':

                           value = opr2 - opr1;



                       case '*':

                           value = opr2 * opr1;



                       case '/':

                           value = opr2 / opr1;






       result = (int)stack.pop();

       return result;        



   public static void main(String[] args) {

       String postfixExpression="34*25+-4*2/";

       System.out.println("Postfix expression is "+postfixExpression);



           System.out.println("Evaluating postfix expression...");

           int value=evaluatePostfixExpression(postfixExpression);


       } catch (Exception e) {

           // TODO Auto-generated catch block



