There may be more than one s. anandakrishnan, or r.b. alley, in the world. one way to tell them apart is to check the address, which is also listed in the web of science. the web of science actually tries to help you. if you make sure to click the tab near the upper left that says "web of science" rather than "all databases" before you do the search, it provides a "view distinct author sets" option. in this case, don't mess with that. just search on anandakrishnan s in the web of science, and find the paper by j.f. lawrence,
d.a. wiens and others from 2006. is this the same s. anandakrishnan from penn state's geosc10 that you know as dr. a? (if you find a penn state address in the list below, you may assume that it is the same dr. a you know, and if you don't find a penn state address, you may assume that the author is a different s. anandakrishnan; we won't make you click through other dr. a references to make sure)