Respuesta :

The name for facts in subtraction problems: Fact Family is a group of math facts that uses the same numbers, for addition, and subtraction.

Answer: =====> I believe is, Subtraction Fact Strategies, or Fact Families.

1. ). Strategy: ===> Think Addition:

1.). Subtraction Description ====> Using the known addition fact to solve the subtraction problem. Ex. 13-5, think what goes with 5 to make 13?

2.). Strategy: ===> Fact Families

2.). Subtraction Description ====> Think of the fact family to recall the missing number.

3.). Strategy ===> Build Up Through

3.). Subtraction Description ===> Ten Used when either the subtrahend or minuend is 8 or 9. Ex: 14-9: start with 9 and work up through 10: 9 and 1 is 10 and 4 more makes 5.

4.). Strategy ==> Back Down Through Ten

4.). Subtraction Description: ==> Working backward with 10 as a “bridge”. Ex. 15-6, Take 5 away from 15 to get to ten. Then take one more away, leaving 9.

Hope that helps!!! : )