Respuesta :

Those vector additions are hard to explain. You sort of need to follow them with your finger in order to understand what is going on. You are adding three vectors together and when you are done, the beginning of the first vector to the end of the 4th vector should equal the vector on the right hand side. If it doesn't that's not the answer.

Take the first one as an example. Take your finger and run it from G from the back end to the arrowhead. It connects to Hs tail end. And that's correct. You can follow H down to where it's arrowhead meets Y. Here's where answer A falls apart. You don't meet the unarrowheaded end at Y. Y is going the wrong way. It would wind up way over on your right. So answer A would be correct if and only if Y was heading the other way. Then X would be going from the arrowhead on Y to the unarrowheaded end of G. If you are ever going to understand this problem, you have to do exactly what I described in detail.


1. The arrowhead of the first vector must always connect with the unarrowheaded end of the next vector.

2. The last arrow must connect from the arrowhead of the last vector to the unarrowheaded end of the first vector.

If you are ever going to learn this material. You must follow the directions. I think the answer is D. But I hope you follow everyone of them carefully.

Question Two

Technically Two is not a vector question. You are walking a total of 7 km * 0.3

which is 2.1 km 12 times that distance driving is 25 km.

That should be the answer. But the numbers are too carefully chosen to believe that's what they mean. I have found these problems to be very loosely worded so that you do not know what to make of them. If they meant displacement, they should have said so.

displacement = sqrt(3^2 + 4^2) = 5. He can go 12 times this displacement with his car which is 60 blocks. Each block is 0.3km so he is going a total displacement of 18 km. Since it does say distance, you have to choose 25 km but I'm highly suspicious that will not be the answer. You better get this answer in a hurry. Someone will not like the ambiguity I'm presenting.

So the answer to this problem is D. How did you get that? I don’t get it