Respuesta :
There are many achievements that made the Roman Empire one of the most powerful civilizations of the past. They include but are not limited to:
-Political organization
-Strong Military
-Vast Size
-Systemic development (ties politics and architecture)
The Romans developed many inventions and ideas that are still in use today and are commonly studied. Historians admire their meticulous architecture and urban planning. They strive to figure out how they developed settlements and established a proper republican democracy across a very vast space.
But of all the achievements, I'd say that their inventions are the greatest as their ideas and technology is still put to use today. Although there are enhancements in today's versions, we would not be able to make them without the Romans.
The Greatest achievement of the Roman empire was their ability to build
good networks of road.
The Roads which were built by the Roman Empire gave the soldiers an
advantage during war as they knew the terrain well . It also helped to serve
as routes to other people.
The roads were also used as trade routes for the Empire and helped
improve the economy of the area.