Respuesta :

Many things took place within a period of time between 1492 and 1520 that are quite questionable but with the intent of finding a complete opposite location, for the result Columbus had effects such as....

•The provoking of genocide
•The taking of land from which originally had indigenous people living there
•Now I personally don't know if Columbus in his life time claimed he discovered America but I do know a sci-fi and fantasy auther was the one with the idea to make this a common myth when really his 3 main voyages never even touched what is now American soil.

But in the end we as Americas wouldn't be here if it wasn't for his crude sense of exploration


Columbus' voyages led to further exploration of the Americas by Spain. When Spain did this, it found tremendous new resources, including major silver mines in modern-day Mexico and Peru. These new resources allowed Spain to become richer and more powerful for a time.