11,760,825 in the word form is:
Eleven Million Seven Hundred And Sixty Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Five
The expanded form is as shown below:
Ten Millions : 1
Millions :1
Hundred Thousands: 7
Ten Thousands: 6
Thousands: 0
Hundreds: 8
Tens: 2
Ones: 5
The value of each digit is :
Since 1 is in the Ten Millions place: 10,000,000
Since 1 is in the Millions place: 1,000,000
Since 7 is in the Hundred Thousands place: 700,000
Since 6 is in the Ten Thousands place: 60,000
Since 0 is in the Thousands place: 0,000
Since 8 is in the Hundreds place: 800
Since 2 is in the Tens place : 20
Since 5 is in the ones place: 5
The expanded form is  10,000,000 +  1,000,000 +  700,000 + 60,000 + 800+20 + 5 = 11,760,825