Gilgamesh answered, "Dear friend, dear brother, I cannot kill Humbaba alone. Please stay here with me. Stand at my side. 'Two boats lashed together will never sink. A three-ply rope is not easily broken.' If we help each other and fight side by side, what harm can come to us? Let us go on and attack the monster. We have come so far. Whatever you are feeling, let us go on." –Gilgamesh: A New English Version, Stephen Mitchell Which characteristics does Gilgamesh display in this passage? Check all that apply. strong leadership skills proven success in combat the ability to receive help from a supernatural force compelling and confident speech courage in the face of danger

Respuesta :

strong leadership skills

compelling and confident speech

courage in the face of danger

At first glance, Gilgamesh is seeking help to attack the monster together, because even the bravest need help. But he uses his oratory abilities to persuade to move forward together, because when they have already arrived so far, and if they are together, nothing can prevent them from doing so, no harm can be done to them. Also from the passage it is seen his resolve and leadership abilities to end the struggle, as well as the evident courage, because he does not dwell on danger.

strong leadership skills

compelling and confident speech

courage in the face of danger