Four bones are brought to you: a robust right humerus with heavy muscle markings, a gracile left humerus, a large left os coxa, and a gracile right femur whose head fits easily into the acetabulum. describe how you would determine if this assemblage represents one, two, three, or four individuals.

Respuesta :

The bones found include a right humerus, which is robust and have heavy muscle markings on it. Another bone brought is a left humerus, which is gracile. These two humerus belong to the two different person, with the right humerus possibly belonging to a full grown male. Besides these humerus, a large left os coxa, or hip bone is also brought along with a gracile right femur whose head fits perfectly into the acetabulum of the os coxa. This indicates that the right femur and the os coxa belong to the same person. Also, the physical attributes of the left humerus also matches to the right femur, and os coxa. So, these three bones might belong to the same person. However, the robust right humerus belongs to the different person. Therefore, these four bones belongs to two different person.