Respuesta :

The answer is yes, but how to show it. Use the formula

Suppose you go from 40 degrees Fahrenheit to 41 degrees Fahrenheit

The degrees C for 41o F degrees is C = 5/9(F - 32) = 5/9(41 - 32) = 5o C

The degrees C for 40o F degrees is C = 5/9(F - 32) = 5/9(40- 32) = 4.44

The difference is 0.555555

What this means is that for every degree Fahrenheit, the Celcius amount of degrees is a little over 1/2 a degree. the 5/9 should give you the clue you need.

Now here's where you need to put your thinking cap on. Which one is bigger? If you move up one degree on one scale and only 1/2 a degree on the other, Isn't the one that moved only 1/2 a degree the larger measurement?