
Questionnaire: Jungle or Zoo?

1. Brainstorm single words that you associate with the words jungle and zoo.

2. Identify creatures that are most likely to survive in the jungle. Identify creatures that ​are most likely to survive in the zoo. Discuss the reasons with your team before ​writing them down.

3. Circle the animal, bird or insect that you would MOST want to be in this ​environment. Discuss the reasons and note the most important ones.

4. Put a square around the animal you would LEAST want to be in this environment. ​Discuss the reasons and note the most important ones.

5. If you were an animal, a bird or an insect in a jungle or zoo, what would happen to ​you if you became injured or sick? Who is responsible for your survival?

6. How would animals obtain SHELTER in a jungle or zoo? What would be some ​difficulties or advantages? Who is responsible for shelter?

7. How would animals obtain FOOD in a jungle or zoo? What would be some ​difficulties or advantages? Who is responsible for food?

8. Who is in charge in the jungle or zoo? On what basis do they rule?

9. Is there a law of the jungle or zoo? If so, what is it or what might it be? Summarize ​this law in a phrase.

10. What are the fundamental differences between these two environments?

Respuesta :

1.words associated with
jungle: vines, camouflage , hunt
zoo : enclosures , visitors, feed

2. animals most likely to survive
in the jungle: Antelopes , ox , hippotamus
in the zoo : orang utans , rhino , tigers

3. jungle : earthworms ( to compose dead matter and provide nutrient rich soil. birds: oxpeckers, these birds eat small parasites and insects off large animals.)

zoo : Pangolins. they are endangered species due to excessive poaching for their meat.

4. animal leasted wanted in the environment
parasitic insects that spread diseases such as the tse tse fly.

5. animal: if one is sick or injured , they become easy preys for predators. Plants that have medicinal properties would help the animal to recover. Human intervention are the last resort for survival.

6. From plants. Living in a colony and building the shelter together. Groups/packs take turns to keep watch for predators.

7. Animals obtain food in jungle as illustrated in the food chain. advantage: ensures the food chain is in order and no one animal will proliferate and disrupt the food chain cycle. disadvantage: Sometimes an unsuccessful hunt can injure the animal, or they get no food at all.

Zookeepers feed animals in the zoo. advantage: they get food in comfort. disadvantage: animals do not get to exercise hunting.

8. jungle: the animals at the top of the food chain rule the jungle , e.g. lions.
zoo: humans, run the zoo.