Using your six words, write a story describing something about yourself - your personality characteristics, likes, dislikes, etc.
1) adversity- difficulties, misfortune
2) wary- feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems
3) Suppress- forcibly put an end to
4) Badger - ask (someone) repeatedly and annoyingly for something; pester
5) Deface- spoil the surface or appearance of (something), by drawing or writing on it ; mar or disfigure
6)Accelerate- increase in amount or extent

How could I use theses words to write a story, an EXAMPLE would be helpful

Respuesta :

Well here is how I would do it:

Since a young age, I have always been wary of automobiles. I got in a car crash at the age of twelve because of accelerating the speed with a broken brake. I have had adversity with vechiles since then but I am now learning to suppress my fears.
I also love to draw. At 7 I would deface the walls of our house with my paintbrushes and pastels. Now I, of course, work with paper on easels in the corner of my room. I have a talent but I can be annoying when I badger my parents for more paper.
I have my good times and bad times. But my experiences just make me stronger.
I am a very determined person. When I put my mind to something I will do it no matter the adversity that comes my way. people say I badger them to much and I should suppress my personality and often they are wary towards me. Those people are only trying to deface my personality and who I am, but I will not let them. I will keep going and accelerate to my goals.