You have two credit cards. One has a balance of $3,745.00 at a 6.25% APR and the other has a balance of $1,045.00 and is dependent upon your credit score. Your score is 500. How much total interest is accrued in the first month? Score <500 500-650 651-750 751-800 Rate (APR) 12.75% 10.25% 7.5% 5.75% $28.44 $24.51 $30.41 $26.04

Respuesta :

[tex]1045 \times .1275 = 133.2375[/tex]
[tex]3745 \times .0625 = 252.7875 [/tex]
[tex]133.24 + 252.79 = 386.03[/tex]



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