The goalkeeper catches a ball from a kick by the opposing team inside her own penalty area. as she prepares to play the ball up field, an opponent impedes her from releasing the ball. you blow the whistle to stop play. how should you restart play?

Respuesta :

No i would not blow the whistle.

In soccer, the opponents are only banned to make interference if the ball is out of the field or there is a foul happened. Since the goalkeeper in this situation catch the ball from the kick (no foul and the ball is not out of the field) , the opponent could impedes her from releasing the ball and steal it.

In soccer, the opponents are only banned to make interference if the ball is out of the field or there is a foul happened. Since the goalkeeper in this situation catch the ball from the kick (no foul and the ball is not out of the field) , the opponent could impedes her from releasing the ball and steal it.

so No i would not blow the whistle.