How was the Portuguese colonial experience in Africa in the 1520s similar to that of the Dutch in the 1650s

A. Both countries' colonists were entirely welcomed by the Africans.

B. Both countries' colonists were met with resistance from Africans.

C. Both countries' colonists were avoided completely by the Africans.

D. Both countries' colonists were soundly defeated by African armies.

The answer is B- Apex!!

Respuesta :

Both countries' colonists were met with resistance from Africans.

The correct answer is B) Both countries’ colonist were met with resistance from Africans.

The Portuguese colonial experience in Africa in 1520 was similar to that of the Dutch in 1650 in that because both countries were met with resistance from Africans.

The expansionist motavation was high when both colonists arrived in Africa. They had colonist purposes in topics such as trade, culture, and military. When the Portuguese and the Dutch wanted to establish its agenda on African tribes they were met with resistance from the inhabitants. Sometimes Africans used violence, and in some others, pacific opposition demonstrations.