What are the physical properties of the planets and moons of our solar system?
Mercury -
Earth -
Earth’s moon -
Mars -
Jupiter -
Saturn -
Uranus -
Neptune -

Respuesta :

Mercury: it has a crater-filled surface, with very high temperatures since it is closest to the sun; has a very thin atmosphere.

Venus: also very hot with high pressures and a very thick atmosphere compared to other terrestrial planets; slightly smaller than Earth.

Earth: only known planet to support life; mostly water but with many large landmasses, as well.

The moon: crater-filled; gets its light by reflecting the light from the sun.

Mars: aka the Rusty planet, it sports a red color due to iron oxide; has valleys and volcanoes; colder than Earth.

Jupiter: largest planet, with a swirling atmosphere and many different cloud formations; has storms and 63 moons; gas giant.

Saturn: also a gas giant; most known for its rings that are made up of particles that were attracted by the planet's gravitational pull.

Uranus: known as the ice giant with a large atmosphere of methane, as well as a faint ring system.

Neptune: also very cold, and named the blue planet; the interior is mainly methane ice; has a faint ring system and 13 moons.