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Skype was originally founded by Niklas Zennstorm of Sweden and Janus Friis from Denmark. Zennstorm was Served as CEO of Software company which was famous for peer -to-peer solutions and traffic optimization technologies. Inspiring from marketing and promoting commercial content to customers he founded a telephonic company known as Sky peer- peer and abbreviated as Skyper , however some domain names was already existed with the Skyper and hence dropping the Final R the name was finally decided as SKYPE.

The original developers of Skype were Niklas Zennström, from Sweden, and Janus Friis, from Denmark. The software itself was created by Estonians Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu, and Jaan Tallinn.

In terms of the name, the work "Skype" is derived from "Sky peer-to-peer." This phrase was later abbreviated to the word "Skyper." However, some domain names related to the word were already taken, which led the founders to change the name to "Skype."